This Week at Grace

This Week at Grace

Youth Trips Deposits Due, January 29
Deposits are due this Friday for middle school MissionFuge and the high school mission trip. Please register by this date if your student is planning to participate.

Youth Night of the Arts, January 29
This Friday from 6:30-9:00pm, everyone is invited to the Chapel for an evening of music, art, and other creative expressions by our students.

Final Sunday for Member Directory Photos, January 31
A photographer will be in the Great Commission Room this Sunday in between services from 9:00-9:25am, 10:45-11:00am, and 12:15-12:45pm. If you are a new Grace member or if your family has had an addition over the past year, please stop by to update your photo for the new church directory.

Contact Update Deadline, January 31
If you are a Grace member and your phone number, email, or mailing address changed over the past year, please send your new contact information by this Sunday to Nanette Ryan for the church directory.