Oct 20, 2015 Life at Grace – Winter Adult Sunday School Classes
The winter session of adult Sunday School classes will be held November 1-February 7. (Youth and children’s classes will remain the same.) You can view class descriptions below and register to attend.
Explore the Bible: Genesis & Matthew
Taught by Steve McKisic, Ray Pereira & Chris Turner, Room 254
The Explore the Bible series focuses on specific books of the Bible. This class is currently studying Genesis and will explore the gospel of Matthew next.
Connections: Stories of Grace
Facilitated by Justin Tucker, Room 253
The Connections class is structured to help those at Grace connect with one another. This session, we will focus on Stories of Mission and Stories of Reconciliation. People from our congregation will share their life stories and help us connect biblical truths with real life experiences.
The Joy of Discipline
Taught by Todd Colburn & Keith Knell, Room 250
Sometimes we think of spiritual discipline as a hard aspect of the Christian faith. But drawing near to God takes discipline. This class will highlight the joy that can be found in pursuing Christ through the spiritual disciplines.
Connections: Stories of Grace
Facilitated by Taylor Combs & Elaine Atchison, Room 253
The Connections class is structured to help those at Grace connect with one another. This session, we will focus on Stories of Mission and Stories of Reconciliation. People from our congregation will share their life stories and help us connect biblical truths with real life experiences.
Minor Prophets
Taught by Marshall Albritton, Toby Jennings & Matthew Ladisa, Room 250
The last books of the Old Testament, known as the Minor Prophets, are often overlooked. This class will take a detailed look at these compelling books and apply the text to our lives today.