Apr 24, 2015 Words of Grace – Glorify God in Your Calling
One question many Christians ask is, “Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing in life?” One confusion many Christians have is that the most important thing in life is what we do.
It seems this was the question and the confusion Paul dealt with in the church at Corinth. These Christians thought they must change something about their station in life in order to live out their calling before God. Paul assured them that as long as what they were doing in life was not sinful, they did not need to make a change. In fact, he told them to remain in their current station in life and to walk with God in it. In this way, they would find many opportunities to bring glory to God.
To the Jews and Greeks in the Corinthian church who were concerned about their ethnic status, Paul said what matters most is being born again and giving evidence of new life by keeping God’s commandments. To the bondservants in the church who were concerned about their social and economic status, Paul said change it if you can, but remember that you are already free in Christ. Christ had called them, so wherever they were in life was the place of their calling.
The most important thing in life is not what we do, or even what our status is ethnically, socially, or economically. The most important thing in life is what Jesus has done for us and, therefore, what we have become in him.
When the good news of what Jesus has done for us and what he makes us sinks deep into our souls, we live wherever we are, doing whatever we do, with a deep commitment to obey him and a deep desire to reflect his glory.
This Sunday at Grace, we will consider what Paul says about glorifying God in our calling from 1 Corinthians 7:17-24. Spend some time this weekend reading this passage and praying for our worship gathering.
– Scott
PS: On Tuesday, April 28, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments involving cases having to do with same-sex marriage. I encourage you to pray for the Supreme Court. Here is an article to help you as you pray.