Mar 18, 2015 Life at Grace, 3/18/2015
Good Friday & Easter Sunday Schedule
Good Friday services will be held April 3 at 6:00 & 8:00pm. Childcare will be provided for Infants—Pre-K. Easter Sunday services and Sunday School classes will be held on April 5 at the usual times of 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am.?
Childcare Volunteers Needed
Are you planning to attend our Good Friday and Easter services? Please consider serving our families and guests by helping with childcare during one of the services. Volunteers are needed for Good Friday (16 volunteers at 6:00pm and 4 at 8:00pm) and Easter Sunday (4 volunteers at 9:30am and 4 at 11:00am). Email Kristen Tedder if you can help.
Easter Choir Rehearsal
If you are a singer who can follow a part, it’s not too late to join the choir that will help lead worship on Easter. Please register if you would like to participate. The next rehearsal will be this Sunday, March 22, from 1:00-3:00pm.