Words of Grace – Ecclesiastes and Evangelism

Words of Grace – Ecclesiastes and Evangelism

I told a friend, who is also a minister, that I was going to preach from Ecclesiastes for several weeks at Grace. I expected to get a bit of sympathy because of the nature of Ecclesiastes or maybe a bit of respect for tackling the book. Instead, I could feel his excitement through the phone. He told me he became a Christian by reading Ecclesiastes.

My friend was a seeker of all things that he thought would make for a great life: money, education, status, and sensual pleasure. He was doing pretty well making a life for himself but was also feeling the futility that inevitably comes with this kind of search. Another pastor began to read Ecclesiastes with him, and its message came to bear on his conscience. When he realized that he—like the Preacher in Ecclesiastes—was vainly searching for meaning using flawed and inadequate means, he became open to the wisdom of God.

The true meaning of life as presented in Ecclesiastes won him over to the fear of the Lord and the wisdom of walking in his commandments.

Maybe you have a friend who is seeking to make a great life using the flawed means of money, pleasure, and power, and you don’t know how to relate the truth of the gospel to them. You might want to start with Ecclesiastes and let its message open them up to God.

I wonder if there are people at Grace who will hear the message of Ecclesiastes and be moved to respond to God in faith. If you are one of those people, please know that the church leadership is always available to talk to you.

We will continue in Ecclesiastes this Sunday. I hope to see you.

– Scott