Jan 18, 2013 Fruits Of The Labor…
We found Grace Community Church in 2003 as freshmen students at Belmont University. We were 18, young, in love and needing a church home. We spent 5 years at Grace before moving to North Carolina to attend seminary and eventually plant South Durham Church in Durham, North Carolina. We have no doubt that our ministry calling was directly tied to our time at Grace.
We are humbled to acknowledge that we are “the fruits” of the labors of Grace Community Church. The relationships and the things we learned at Grace have altered our Christian lives and our worldview forever. Grace showed us what it meant to have a church family. Members at Grace taught us how to ask spiritually probing questions. They taught us that it was okay to honestly answer the question, “How are you doing?” They showed us how to pray for each other, how to love one another, and how to apply the gospel to daily life.
We are forever thankful to Scott Patty for being a godly spiritual leader and teacher, Jeff Bourque for teaching a congregational theology of worship music, Bill and Faye Maynard for discipling us while we were dating, and Chris and Katie Thompson for being the first people to introduce themselves to us and invite us to their home for a meal. There are countless others whose wise words have stayed with us and who we continue to miss. While we are so glad to be where God has called us, part of our hearts will always be at Grace.
– Adam and Heather Darnell