Dec 13, 2012 Surrounded with Gospel Living…
I had been a believer in Christ about three months when I entered Vanderbilt as a freshman. That first week of school I remember reading the book of Acts for the very first time, and like the man Philip met on the road to Gaza, I had no idea what I was reading. I remember saying out loud, “God, when you want me to understand this, you better drop me into a Bible study because I don’t even know where to begin.” That Sunday I walked to Grace, which was meeting at Eakin at the time. When Scott stood up to preach, he introduced a new sermon series on the book of Acts, and somewhat reluctantly I knew I was supposed to stay at Grace.
For the next four years at Vanderbilt I sat on the left side about four rows back and cried through every sermon as God used the people at Grace to teach me how to read the Bible and live a redeemed life. After a couple years away at graduate school, my husband Emmett and I returned to Nashville, and he fell in love with Grace as well. Whether in Bible studies, small groups, or just close friendships, our time at Grace has been full of growth in the gospel and in love for others. Through the loss of our first child, Emmett’s cancer and eventual death, the people of Grace have surrounded us with gospel living as faithful witnesses of the transforming power of Christ.
– Wendy Stallings