Words of Grace – 10 Reasons I Am Thankful for Grace Community Church

Words of Grace – 10 Reasons I Am Thankful for Grace Community Church

I am thankful for Grace Community Church because I have…

…a powerful reminder of the power of Christ to change lives, which gives me a reason to keep believing and preaching the gospel.

…weekly encounters with the faithful, which strengthens my weak faith.

…suffering friends who show me what it means to stay in faith through it all, which is helpful when I lean toward self-pity.

…successful friends who love Christ more than things, which shows me how to live when all seems to be well.

…people who pray for me and my family, which reminds me to be real enough to let people know the true state of my soul.

…a place where it is OK to be human, which gives me patience with other people.

…a place that challenges me not to give in to my unhealthy human tendencies, which calls me to live a life of repentance, faith, and discipline.

…an opportunity to serve, which is one of the ways I stay mentally and emotionally healthy.

…a reminder that if I stray into sin or cool off in my faith, others will be harmed, which is one way I stay motivated to watch over my life.

…a church family that reminds me each week that it was grace that brought me safe thus far, which keeps me looking for grace to lead me home.

Happy Thanksgiving,
