Unmasked Love

Unmasked Love

Originally posted on May 31, 2007

“Let love be without hypocrisy.” Romans 12:9

Unmasked Love
You can’t treat love like a mask used to cover up your true intentions. Genuine love is unmasked. The word hypocrite comes from the world of acting. The actor would wear a mask to portray his role, thus covering up his true identity. The word hypocrite came to be used to refer to someone who in life was wearing a mask to cover up his true self.

Paul applied the word hypocrite to love to communicate that we can pretend to be acting out of love to cover up the true motives behind our actions. He exhorted us to let our love be without hypocrisy, without a mask. Our love is to be real.

Real love doesn’t mask a desire to use others to serve ourselves. We call this manipulation. When you serve others, let it be for their good, not to be paid back for your good.

Real love doesn’t mask a need to build our reputation before others. When you serve others, don’t worry about what they think of you. Don’t be concerned about being seen by others. Just love.

Real love doesn’t mask an attempt to achieve righteousness before God. Remember that there is no goodness you can do to attain a right relationship with God. That is His gift to you and you receive it by faith. In the freedom from the need to perform for righteousness, go love for the joy of it.

What should you do if you manipulate, are worried about your reputation, or find yourself trying to earn your righteousness before God? Repent and believe. Repent of self-service, of people pleasing, and of belittling the cross of Christ by believing you need your own goodness more than His. Turn to God in complete faith and trust. Ask Him to show you the depth of His mercy toward you in Christ and by it to generate in you sincere love for Him and others.

Pastor Scott