The Growth Mission

The Growth Mission

Originally posted on August 24, 2006

Jesus clearly had the growth of His church in mind when He gave the Great Commission. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

The Sunday Bible Studies and Community Groups at Grace are part of the practical strategy for carrying out the growth mission Jesus gave us. These classes and groups help us grow in three ways.

1. Growth in Christ. Discipleship is growth in our faith in Christ and in our conformity to the character of Christ. Our classes and groups are designed to foster mutual discipleship as we help one another grow through the study of the Bible, prayer, and obedience to Christ.

2. Growth in fellowship with Christ’s people. Jesus gave the command to make disciples in the context of a community of disciples. Disciples make disciples. Getting involved in and committing to a class or group helps us build the kind of relationships that lead to mutual discipleship, care, and support of one another.

3. Growth in our influence in Christ’s world. Yes, the world belongs to Christ. He is Lord of all. A spiritually healthy Sunday Bible Study or Community Group has influence on the world by being a place others can come to hear the gospel and see it in action, and by being a launch pad for growing Christians to live in the world as salt and light.

At Grace, our plan for growing together in Christ and in fellowship with one another includes new Sunday Bible Studies and Community Groups, beginning September 3. You can see a list of the new classes and groups on the web site (, in the Sunday bulletin, and at the Welcome Center.

This Sunday, I will continue to cast the vision by sharing the principles and practices of going into the world with the gospel.

Pastor Scott