Men’s Ministry

Grace Community Church’s Men’s Ministry exists to encourage men to be godly in their personal lives, families, workplace, school, church, and in the world. The men of Grace are strongly encouraged to participate in discipleship groups to foster strong relationships with other men and to pray about and discuss topics that are particularly relevant to men. Contact Scott Patty with any questions regarding the Men’s Ministry.

Men’s Leadership Training

Men’s Leadership Training (MLT) is a time for men to come together and be discipled in three main areas: grounding your life in God, building your life as a man, & investing your life in others. Each Tuesday, we will gather at 6:00am for a large-group teaching time followed by small-group time. Contact Scott Patty if you would like to participate in MLT.

Other men’s discipleship groups meet throughout Nashville at various times. These small groups provide solid teaching and community building for men at Grace. Contact Scott Patty if you would like to participate in a group.