VBS: Watching Ministry Happen

VBS: Watching Ministry Happen

Originally posted on July 22, 2010

It’s Thursday morning and I have had the privilege of seeing ministry happen all week long. This is Vacation Bible School week at Grace, and at this moment I can hear the voices of children and volunteers outside my office window. I see in VBS what it takes for real ministry to happen.

Love At VBS we see love for God and his glory, for the gospel of Jesus Christ, for children, for excellence, for order, and for effectiveness. Real ministry takes love, and love for the right things.

Sacrifice Volunteers have taken time off work, given many hours of service, spent money, and endured the heat to make sure these kids hear about Jesus and have a great time at VBS. No real ministry happens without someone making a huge sacrifice. Isn’t that what Jesus showed us in his life and death for us?

Creativity I must say that the talent and creativity at VBS is something to behold. These volunteers have not held back. The teaching, music, drama, crafts, games, food, costumes, sets, and organizational efficiency are at a level that communicates deep passion for God and his work. Ministry takes our best thinking and the best use of our gifts and talents.

Relationships I am watching 650 children and adults share space and do their part with love and consideration. I see deference being afforded to each other in actions and words and I am sure it flows from the heart. VBS is happening because strong relationships exist among us, and new relationships are being built as we serve together. This is good ministry.

I pray the Lord will be gracious to allow us to do ministry together, in many forms, for the rest of our lives.
