Psalm 100 – Words of Grace Blog – October 11, 2024

Psalm 100 – Words of Grace Blog – October 11, 2024

This morning’s reading was the 100th Psalm. I read through the psalm quickly with the thought of moving on to some other reading I had planned. But as I slowed down, the force of it landed appropriately on my soul and I stopped to pray.

What a vision of God we have in this psalm. “The LORD, he is God!” And “For the LORD is good.” The LORD is God and good. That’s what we need to know and believe.

The LORD is God. Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer. The God who is sovereign over all things and will make all things right. The God with whom we have to do, to whom we will give account, and by whom stand in grace and at peace before him.

The LORD is good. He showers the world with grace to live. He saves us by the grace of Christ’s cross. He cares for his children with sustaining grace for holiness that will lead us to glory. He daily bears our burdens. He works all things in our lives for his glory and our good. His steadfast love and faithfulness are forever ours.

“Make a joyful noise to the LORD… Serve the LORD with gladness… Come into his presence with singing… Enter his courts with thanksgiving and his court with praise… Give thanks to him, bless his name.” This is how we respond to the LORD.

My thoughts this morning were about me, and us.

Is the LORD big enough in my mind? Is the fact that he is God and good enough to make the difference in my life between discouragement and hope, doubt and assurance, and fear and courage? Do I praise the LORD because he is God and good? After I confessed my small thoughts of God, these are the things I prayed for today.

What about us, a congregation in worship? I envisioned a mighty sound of praise in song, prayer, and “amens” to the word of God among us at Grace as I read this psalm. Our congregation on a street corner in Nashville is a part of this earth that is to make a joyful noise to the LORD. We are the gathered people of God, in his presence by grace through faith in Christ. Let Psalm 100 describe us this Sunday.

As you worship the LORD who is God and good at Grace this Sunday, I’ll be worshipping him at Westwood Baptist Church. This is a congregation that Grace has partnered with for the past four years as they called a new pastor and launched into a revitalizing season. Westwood is now a healthy congregation serving West Nashville. I am grateful to be invited to worship with them and preach from Colossians this Sunday.

Josh Hussung will preach from Colossians at Grace. I know you will pray for him. He will faithfully bring God’s word to you.

This weekend, find a version of the hymn “All People That on Earth Do Dwell.” This hymn is based on Psalm 100. Enjoy.
