May 03, 2024 Hearing In the Morning, Testifying at Night – Words of Grace Blog – May 3, 2024
Isaiah 61 is a chapter about the Anointed One and his preaching. His name is Jesus, and he preached the gospel. This Sunday morning at Grace Community Church we will hear his voice through the written word of God.
Isaiah 61 closes with the voice of one, or more, who have heard the word and now rejoice in God for his amazing, saving, and sustaining grace. This Sunday evening, we will gather to sing and testify to the grace of the Lord that we have heard from the book of Isaiah.
There is power in the word of God. That’s because the gospel is a message that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and carries with it the Spirit’s power whenever it is preached. The gospel is the tool of the Holy Spirit to open minds, convict hearts, and lead people to faith. The Spirit continues to use the word to strengthen and sustain his people.
One of the effects of the Spirit and word on a person is an open mouth to pray, sing, and testify. The book of Acts is the account of first century preaching of the gospel, converting hearts to Christ, and testifying to the grace of God. That’s what Isaiah 61 is pointing to.
This happens today. Congregations are places where the preaching of the Anointed One is re-preached and heard afresh every week. They are to be places where testifying takes place to build up believers for the walk of faith and the work of Christ.
That’s what we will do this Sunday. Join us in the morning to hear the word of the Lord from Isaiah 61. Then, plan to return in the evening, at 6:00, to give a testimony of God’s work in your life from the book of Isaiah. This will be an open mic service, with the guidelines being a one-minute testimony directly related to Isaiah for the glory of God and the good of people.
This weekend, spend some time praying for the power of the Spirit and the word to be evident among us on Sunday.